
This coming Sunday I was asked to lead a women’s ensemble for the special music in the worship service. Our practices were slowly whittled down to one because of the weather. Pastor and I discussed it and decided to reschedule until next month.

Then he asked if I would sing the special. I was okay with that and agreed immediately.

I like to find a song that supports the message. Pastor’s topic is mercy. I went searching through CBD (Christian Book Distributors) and listening on youtube. Here’s the song I think I’m going to do:

But what is mercy?

Each time I found a definition and started reading I began to weep, overwhelmed by the mercy I have experienced in my life.

Here are a couple definitions I found.

From TEKTON Apologetics: Pilch and Malina note that in an ancient context, “mercy” is better rendered as “gratitude” or “steadfast love.” One example of the expression of mercy would be “the debt of interpersonal obligations for unrepayable favors received.” For a case like this, to say, “Lord, have mercy!” (Matt. 20:31) means, “Lord, pay up your debt of interpersonal obligation to us!” Not a plea of the hapless, it is in this case a request to pay back previously earned favor (as a loyal subject of the Davidic/Messianic dynasty).

Grace is getting what we don’t deserve and mercy is not getting what we do deserve.

Biblically: 17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. (John 3:17, NIV)

The Bible story that defines/describes mercy for me is the story of the man who is forgiven a huge debt. It was the equivalent of millions of dollars. There is no way possible for him to repay it. And the debt is forgiven. He meets up with someone who owes him a fraction of what he was just forgiven and he demands payment. It doesn’t end well for him (see Matthew 18:21-35).

I don’t get the unmerciful servant. First, I don’t get how he could run up such a huge debt. And then to not be changed. I’m mystified. I just don’t get it.

Every time I think about my debt being paid, forgiven…I choke up and feel so unworthy.

Every time I look at my husband, I marvel at his love for me. I don’t deserve it. Yet it’s there.

Every time I am allowed to teach a class, lead a Bible study, sing in worship, speak at a gathering…I’m humbled beyond description.

And grateful.

Thank you for Your mercy.