Look, look! A brand new book!!

Hey everybody!! Here’s the cover of my soon to be released devotional. In a couple days it’ll be available on Kindle. Paperback will be ready to purchase later in the week. I’ll keep you. posted Please help me spread the word. Thanks!!

Book Review: The Imitation of Christ, Classic Devotions in Today’s Language

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One of my favorite movies is a sappy romantic comedy called, “Kate and Leopold.” In the movie a character from the late 1800’s ends up in the 1990’s. In one conversation the stars have, Kate asks Leopold what he misses from his time. His response is that he misses the pace. Modern time is to fast and chaotic.

Perhaps that is why I love Peterson’s translation of Jesus’ invitation in Matthew 11:29. We are invited to “catch the unforced rhythms of grace.”

As I began reading this modern translation of The Imitation of Christ, I felt the pace change. I sensed an unusual, but very comforting rhythm. I found I couldn’t help but slow down–and in the slowing, go deeper.

There has always been a timelessness about the message of the original work, but now people can more easily hear it and hopefully be changed by it. I love how the messages flow from the Christ and from the Disciple. We are so naturally tuned into the message and pace of the world and this books speaks to that…and to us.

I would strongly recommend this book for personal study, but also see how it could be beneficial to study it’s message in a small trusted group. There is much to be gained from the accountability with other believers.

The only thing that would made the book better was more room to write in the margins. I found many times when I wanted to respond to the Christ as the disciple did.



Book Review: 365 Moments of Peace for a Woman’s Heart

365 Moments of Peace for a Woman’s Heart
Reflections On God’s Gifts of Love, Hope, and Comfort

Readings extracted from previously published volumes Moments of Peace for the Morning, Moments of Peace for the Evening, Quiet Moments Alone With God, Moments of Peace from the Psalms, Moments of Peace for a Woman’s Heart, Psalms to Soothe a Woman’s Heart, Moments of Peace in the Presence of God for Couples, Moments of Peace in the Wisdom of God.

From the moment I opened the package I knew I was holding something very special. This book begs to be held. That may sound odd to some, but for me, there is a definite feeling I get touching a book. This book has a quality and texture that exudes quality.

When I consider purchasing a devotional, I read certain days. I always go to my birthday and read the devotion God placed there for me. Then I let it open randomly and read what I find. The words on those days in this devotional were as rich as the physical qualities of the book itself.

I guess when publishers can draw the best from the best of their devotionals it would be safe to expect depth and wealth. I was not disappointed. The texts were not always familiar and the insights not predictable. The writing mined deeper truths, not seeming to be concerned for making the reader feel good, but more peace-filled and connected.

I am very happy to own this devotional and would not hesitate to give it as a gift to friend or family.

I was given a copy of this devotional by the publisher in return for an honest review.