Wednesday’s Word: Juvenescent


How are you growing?

Recently, I was driving through a new town. I ended up lost—thanks Siri.

The neighborhood I found myself in could be described as old, tired and run down. I felt a kinship to the houses crying out for fresh paint and younger hands. But I quickly remembered the encouragement of my grandson who tried to reassure me: “You’re not oooolddd, Mema.” For some reason I translated that, “You aren’t the ancient ruins of the Colesium, Mema.”

Growing young reminds me of two Bible verses. The first comes from Jesus who when the disciples were arguing over who would be greatest held up a child and declared: Unless you become as a child you will not inherit the Kingdom of God. And the second is Peter’s admonition to grow in grace and knowledge—literally: keep growing.

I’m surrounded by people pining for retirement. I get how good that might sound. But I am fearful of a mindset that sees retirement as permission to stop: stop growing. I pray for a different attitude, a youthful mindset that seizes every opportunity to grow young.

How are you growing?