Monday Mindset: Generosity

I am challenged today to think about my giving.  I have at least two friends I am aware of who have donated one of their kidneys to a family member. One gave his to his wife’s aunt.  Talk about generosity!

Today I probably won’t be donating a kidney to anyone, unless I’m dead, and then everything gets donated.  So what can or will I give?  I can give a hug to the woman who just lost her husband.  I can share a smile with the cashier who just doesn’t think anyone really notices her.  I can send a card to that shut-in who feels all alone.  I can respond to the list of needs for a family that just lost everything in a fire.

Giving can cost all or nothing at all.  As I considered this concept of generosity, I was reminded of the Macedonian church. They gave to an offering Paul was gathering for the needy.  Even though they were experiencing severe trial, they gave beyond their ability to give.  You can find this story in 2 Corinthians 9.  In verse 8 their call to giving is described this way:  “test the sincerity of your love by comparing it with the earnestness of others.”  I had never noticed that before! So often we’re counseled away from comparing ourselves to others. But that’s Paul’s instruction to the Corinthians. It reminds me of the Old Testament challenge to try and out give God (see Malachi 3:10ff). 

I am humbled today by the generosity of my friends.  And I’m challenged.  I don’t want to be found short when it comes to being generous.  I want to be earnest and sincere.   How about you?

Author: tinamhunt

ESFP with a dash of ADD. Lover of the Word and words. The cup of my life is neither half empty or half full--it overflows! I'm blessed to be a blessing and I'm here to share the journey.

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