Monday Mindset: Laugh

(I can barely type…I’m still laughing at myself)

I got up this morning around 6am. I like being up before everyone and getting ready while it’s still dark and quiet. I give the dogs their morning dental stick and head to the bathroom.

For me, this was a “dropsy” morning. I can’t seem to get a grip on anything. I’m dropping everything. Knocking things over. Spilling. And I’m not going to go into how awful my hair turned out.

I pressed on. Unamused and on the verge of frustration.

Then it was time to feed the dogs. Two of them get a cup of dry crunchy food with a packet of Moist and Meaty yumminess on top. I turned to fill the third dog’s bowl and kicked the water bucket as I was reaching for her healthy Moist and Meaty alternative for senior dogs.

As the water splashed I said, “Will you stop being such a Monday morning!” As I finished the request, I started to tear open Bella’s packet of less than yummy food. Instead of falling neatly into the bowl it exploded sending little cubes of food all over the kitchen floor.

As I knelt down to retrieve the food, my husband came to the door to question what he thought he heard me just say. He found me on the floor laughing uncontrollably. Bella walked over, too. Gave me a quick look and proceeded to clean up my mess. I thanked her for her help.

Monday mornings do not have sole rights to interruptions and bad starts. Any day can start out deviating from plan. Or it might go haywire in the middle. Or just before bed when we’re completely spent. Interruptions, devestation, and plan destruction do not care about our calendars. They do not ask permission for deviation.

There are lots of ways to handle this. Having a plan B (through Z) is wise. But for me, the best solution is laughter.

When we had foster kids, one of the hardest lessons for them to learn was to laugh at themselves. They would either melt down and shut down, or come out swinging at anyone or anything in front of them when things didn’t go the way they wanted. I always invited them to consider laughter. Some of them did and found it better way to cope, while others couldn’t ever seem to move beyond crisis mode.

I know not everything can be laughed at. There are things that occur that require serious means of management. But when you can…laugh. Monday morning will keep on being Monday morning whether we like it or not. And sometimes the dog food will end up all over the floor. How will you handle it? I’m going to laugh!

I’ll get a grip later.

Author: tinamhunt

ESFP with a dash of ADD. Lover of the Word and words. The cup of my life is neither half empty or half full--it overflows! I'm blessed to be a blessing and I'm here to share the journey.

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